After the problem and objective have been established, we can suggest a number of tests to be carried out, based on our knowledge and experience. We test your (waste) water to determine the best treatment method.
We also have a wide range of trial installations, up to approx. 6m3/h. If you still don’t know exactly which installation works best for you, you can make use of one of these trial installations. These installations are available for membrane filtration, ELFLOX®, ion exchange and dissolved air flotation.
Using a trial installation we can test whether the installation is working properly in your own business and we can custom design it for you. In this way, you can also test if the installation fulfils your expectations and also measure the power consumption. In most cases, these tests need to be supervised by Wazutec Watertreatment.
These installations can also be used as a temporary solution, For example during construction of a new installation or renovation of an existing one.